NZ HAIR Privacy Policy

Personal information

We do not collect personal information on this website unless you choose to give it to us.

There are some places on this website where you can choose to give us personal information, such as emailing an enquiry to us, making a complaint, subscribing to our publications, or adding/changing your details in the search directory.

Any personal information we receive through our online forms will not be made publicly available (unless publication is one of the specific purposes for which it was collected).

We do not collect identifiable information about you if you only browse our website.

Use and disclosure

We will only use personal information that you provide to us through this site for the purposes for which you supplied it or, in exceptional situations, for other reasons permitted under the Privacy Act 1993.

We generally do not share your personal information with others unless this is necessary for the purpose for which you gave us the information (for instance to investigate a complaint). Occasionally the law may require us to disclose it (for instance to investigate a criminal offence), or there may be safety reasons for disclosing it.

We analyse non-identifiable web traffic data to improve our services to hairdressers and the community.

Your rights and choices

We are happy to provide you with access to any personal information that we hold about you. If it is wrong, please ask us to correct it. To ask for access and correction, see our contact details.

You can ask to be removed from the search directory or any other mailing list at any time.

Information provided will be held by us. Personal information collected by us will be held for no longer than necessary for the purpose for which it was collected.

See the Privacy Commissioner's website for more information about your rights.